Networking & partnership
We commit ourselves to establishing partnerships and seeing social change from within.
Education Dunoon NPOs
Think tank with educational NPOs working in Dunoon to create a pipeline for quality education in Dunoon to unlock potential.
Little Lambs
Partner with First 1000 days programme at Dunoon clinic.
Learning Trust
Aftacool funder and capacity support.
Mikhulu Trust
Shared reading facilitator training, support and resources.
Soil for Life
Food garden training, support, resources and mentoring.
Food Forward SA
Provides quality edible surplus food from the consumer goods supply chain.
Gold Youth
High school leadership programme partner.
Craft Design Institute
Youth Sewing internship partner.
Yearbeyond and Rogz Academy
Youth programme – YeBoneers (youth interns) work as facilitators that provide numeracy and literacy support to Grade 3 and 4 learners in 4 primary schools in Dunoon cluster.
Breteau Foundation
Sponsor of 55 tablets for our reading programmes. Also free doodlemath software for Aftacool learners.
Jelly Beanz
Referral partner for trauma counselling children.
Hope House Counselling
Referral partner for trauma counselling.
Community Intervention Centre
Referral partner for trauma counselling and gender based violence.
Math clubs resources and curriculum.
Butterfly Art Training
Art therapy training, support and resources.
Zanokhanyo Network (Common Good)
Work readiness course partner.
Sifunulwazi Community College
Providing space at our centre for Adult basic education
Potential partnerships
Thank you for being part of the Boost village and helping us to serve the Dunoon community with quality programmes for the last 15 years. The challenges faced by people living in poverty are incredibly complex and we would never be able to address these complexities alone. Therefore, we try our best to build bridges and partner with other organisations, government, churches, companies and experts to bring innovative solutions that will result in sustainable impact. Please make contact with us – we need you.